LLC in WI, Dun & Bradstreet, and EIN
Why form an LLC?
LLCs have simpler record-keeping rules. Corporations are stricter. To Save on taxes. You get to decide how you are taxed—as an LLC or a corporation—for potential savings.
Do I need an LLC?
No, but you might want one. Filing an LLC helps keep your personal assets separate. It also give the capability for you to open bank accounts, enter into contracts, hire employees, and get business licenses and permits.
What's the difference between an LLC and a corporation?
Both protect owners so they're not personally on the hook for business liabilities or debts. But, key differences include how they're owned (LLCs have one or more individual members, and corporations have shareholders) and maintained (corporations generally have more formal record-keeping and reporting requirements).
How am I taxed as an LLC?
You choose. Single-member LLCs can file as a sole proprietor. Multi-member LLCs can file as a partnership. Any LLC can file as a C or S corporation.
How do I form an LLC?
Tell us what you'd like to call your business, and we'll see if that name is up for grabs.
How much does it cost to form an LLC?
It is $130 (plus $70 filing fees). Something to keep in mind—these costs are often tax-deductible.
Do you only form LLC in Wisconsin or everywhere around the country?
Unfortunately, I am only form an LLC in the state of Wisconsin. Every state laws are slightly different when it comes to legal documents.
Why should I obtain an EIN/ Tax ID Number?
The Tax ID is very crucial to you because it gives you the ability to hire employees, including household employees, you can also open a business bank account that requires an EIN for banking purposes. You will need the EIN to start a business line of credit to change the ownership of your organization (for example, you incorporate a sole proprietorship or form a partnership), form or create a trust, pension plan, corporation, partnership, LLC or represent an estate that operates a business after the owner's death.
What is Dun & Bradstreet?
The Dun & Bradstreet D‑U‑N‑S Number is a unique nine-digit identifier for businesses. The D‑U‑N‑S Number is used as the starting point for any company's Live Business Identity, the most comprehensive and continually updated view of any company in the Data Cloud. D‑U‑N‑S Numbers are often referenced by lenders and potential business partners to help predict the reliability and/or financial stability of the company in question. D‑U‑N‑S, which stands for data universal numbering system, is used to maintain up-to-date and timely information on more than hundreds of millions global businesses
Why should I obtain an Dun & Bradstreet number?
Getting your Dun & Bradstreet number is very equal as important as the EIN/Tax ID. The DUNS will help you establish your business creditworthiness, safeguard your personal creditworthiness, bid on government contracts; locally, state, and federal contracting, and get longer terms with suppliers.
After purchasing the EIN, Dun & Bradstreet, or LLC, what is happening next?
After purchasing an EIN, Dun & Bradstreet, or LLC service, I will reach out to you via email, phone call or text message so I have all the correct information to the complete the important documents according to the time you have booked & paid. In rare cases, there could potentially be a delay in processing your EIN or LLC if I am not provided with all of the needed information or there is a delay in processing time in your specific state.
What is the typical turnaround time for the EIN, Dun & Bradstreet, or LLC documents?
I will submit your information to the prospective agencies within 48 hours of receiving all the information needed to complete the documents.
Starts at $75 in filing fees for EIN & Dun and Bradstreet Business Credit
Website and App Design
After purchasing the web or app design site plan, what’s happening next?
After purchasing the web or app design plan, I will reach out to you for the consultation via phone call or email, and text message according to the time you have booked. We will discuss the nature of your business, features, content, and the interface of the web design.
Are consultations Free?
Consultations are $50 via email, text, or call. The consultation fee will be used towards the total price of the package you choose.
What do I need to start designing?
Please provide the following details: your requirements, features you want, content (images & text), Wix, Weebly or Appypie login.
Do you buy Wix, Weebly, Appypie premium plan and domain?
No, I do not buy Wix, Weebly, or Appypie plans for you, but I will suggest what is better for you based off our consultation.
WIX restrictions?
Wix have few restrictions but we must work according to those restrictions. Other hosting site do not work on Wix. You must only buy Wix premium. The restrictions include Custom Php and databases, multi-vendor affiliate stores and real-estate listings.
Weebly restrictions?
Weebly is more restrictive when it comes to theme modifications. There are no forum options and there are blog limitations. Please keep that in mind when selecting your host. You must only buy a Weebly plan and the restrictions include Custom Php and databases, multi-vendor affiliate stores and real-estate listings.
What is the typical turnaround time for my website to be built?
Typical turnaround time is 10 Business days for web design. It could be longer, depending on the complexity of the website design. Need your website faster? Tell me during your consultation for an extra fee!
What is the typical turnaround time for my mobile app to be built?
App designing is more complicated. Typical turnaround time is 14 Business days for app design. It could be longer, depending on the complexity of the app design. Disclaimer, it may take longer to upload the apps to the mobile store because every mobile store has different requirements. Need your app designed faster? Tell me during your consultation for an extra fee!
Appypie restrictions?
There are no restrictions that hinder your design. Appypie has all of the features available that you may need for your mobile app.
What mobile platforms can I put my app on?
Apple app store, Google Play Store, Amazon, and Blackberry depending on the plan you pick on Appypie. If you do not see your preferred platform on this list, please contact me to see if we can put your app onto your desired platform.
Do you train clients or maintenance their website or mobile app?
I train clients on how to maximize the value of their website or app. Maintenance of your website or mobile app can be done depending on how often you want to update your site for an extra fee.
Do you do coding?
No, I don’t do any coding but I do have the knowledge and expertise to design via Wix, Weebly or Appypie site (mobile app).
Do you provide graphics and pictures?
Yes, I can provide you any type of graphics and pictures, but it will cost you more depending on what type of graphics you want. The graphics and pictures I will provide have all copyrights cleared.
What are the charges of E-commerce store setup?
Setting up the store is a rate of 5 Products for $20...10 Products = $35...15 Products = $50...50 Products = $100
Do you provide adobe, adobe illustrator services?
No, we only use the content given to us, but if any client is in need of graphic work, an additional fee will be assessed and due.
Do you make logo designs?
No, I do not make logos, however I will give your name to my business associate, who I have worked with several years with your consent. I will make insure you receive logo with source files and commercial use. The referral is free, but you will incur an extra fee for your original logo provided my business associate.
If you don't want to provide your WIX login, how can we have your WIX username to add you as a contributor in WIX to design website?
You can have my WIX username to add me as a contributor.
How much is the mobile app and website designing cost?
Mobile app and website design prices vary, depending on the package you choose from, I will suggest you what is better for you depending on what you want to do for a personal or business design.
What's your booking policy for consultations?
Please note that once you have booked an appointment with us it means that we have reserved time in our schedule exclusively for you. If you cancel your appointment less than [24 hours] before it is scheduled to take place, you will incur a charge of 50% of the consultation amount.
If you are over 15 minutes late for your appointment, we will have to reschedule your appointment and your card will be charged for 50% of the consultation scheduled.
To avoid a cancellation fee, please provide cancellation notice at least [24 hours] prior to your appointment. You can cancel or reschedule an appointment by emailing us at [[email protected]].
Please Note: Legal documents must be signed before building your website or mobile app after the consultation. All personal identifying information will be kept confidential. There will also be a confidentiality agreement that needs to be signed.
Notary Service in WI
Can I offer legal advice?
I am not an attorney licensed to practice law in Wisconsin and will not give legal advice or accept fees for legal advice.
Do you only provide Notary services in Wisconsin or everywhere around the country?
Unfortunately, I only provide notary services in the state of Wisconsin. Every state laws are slightly different when it comes to legal documents.
Notary Services I provide?
General notarizations such as, jurats, acknowledgement, signature witnessing, oath/affirmation, and certified copies. I can also be the notary signing agent for purchase or refinance.
What is the typical turnaround time documents to be notarized?
Up to 24 hours from the booking time you select. I will try my best to get the documents to you as soon as possible via email.
Are you willing to travel, or do you just provide remote notary services?
I am willing to travel to homes, offices, public places, schools, etc. if you have 5 or more documents that need to notarized at one time, otherwise only remote notary services are provided.
Designing Service
What do I need to get my design started on Vistaprint or Zazzle?
To get started I will need to your logo and any content you want on your mockup design. Also, I will need access to your email so you can order your products easier. Designing services do not include the cost of the products, however I will provide you with an exclusive coupon for your FIRST order on Vistaprint. I can design any product you want as well, please fill out the form on the designing service page and I'll get back to you within 72 hours.
What is the typical turnaround time for mockup design?
Up to 48 hours from the booking time you select, and I have received your information you want on the card. I will try my best to get the documents to you as soon as possible via email.
How do you charge to create a mockup design?
Starts at $5 per 1 side for Business cards, Flyers, or Banners. Brochures starts at $15 any size.
Can you buy products for me?
No, I do not purchase products for clients, it will be easier buying the products directly from Vistaprint or Zazzle.
Additional Services
Do you offer support, training or maintenance to anyone?
Unfortunately, not at this time. Anyone who has purchased an app or website design plan from me is eligible for any of these additional services.
Are your prices prorated for additional services?
The additional services, maintenance and support are prorated for a minimum of 30 minutes. Training is prorated for a minimum of an hour.
What if you can't find a solution to my problem?
I will exhaust all options trying to find a solution to your problem on the app or website quickly and efficiently. Depending on the complexity of the problem the solution could be out of my control. You only will be charged while I am trying to diagnose the problem. Three hours of support at the maximum. I will work until I find a solution to your problem.
Do you train more than two people on the app or website?
Traditionally, I will train you and an employee, however I will train more of your staff for an additional cost on every aspect of your app or website to maximize the use of your app or website for you and your potential new customers. I will even write out instructions on the key features that you want to remember.
Do you offer in-person training?
Yes, I offer in- person training for an additional cost, please note we can use a free communication app for training such as, Setmore, Zoom or Google Meet to name a few.
How often would you update my website if I chose the maintenance additional service?
I can update your app or website every 3 months, 6 months, 9 months or 12 months. For more frequent updates or maintenance to your website or app, please refer to the support service page.
Why form an LLC?
LLCs have simpler record-keeping rules. Corporations are stricter. To Save on taxes. You get to decide how you are taxed—as an LLC or a corporation—for potential savings.
Do I need an LLC?
No, but you might want one. Filing an LLC helps keep your personal assets separate. It also give the capability for you to open bank accounts, enter into contracts, hire employees, and get business licenses and permits.
What's the difference between an LLC and a corporation?
Both protect owners so they're not personally on the hook for business liabilities or debts. But, key differences include how they're owned (LLCs have one or more individual members, and corporations have shareholders) and maintained (corporations generally have more formal record-keeping and reporting requirements).
How am I taxed as an LLC?
You choose. Single-member LLCs can file as a sole proprietor. Multi-member LLCs can file as a partnership. Any LLC can file as a C or S corporation.
How do I form an LLC?
Tell us what you'd like to call your business, and we'll see if that name is up for grabs.
How much does it cost to form an LLC?
It is $130 (plus $70 filing fees). Something to keep in mind—these costs are often tax-deductible.
Do you only form LLC in Wisconsin or everywhere around the country?
Unfortunately, I am only form an LLC in the state of Wisconsin. Every state laws are slightly different when it comes to legal documents.
Why should I obtain an EIN/ Tax ID Number?
The Tax ID is very crucial to you because it gives you the ability to hire employees, including household employees, you can also open a business bank account that requires an EIN for banking purposes. You will need the EIN to start a business line of credit to change the ownership of your organization (for example, you incorporate a sole proprietorship or form a partnership), form or create a trust, pension plan, corporation, partnership, LLC or represent an estate that operates a business after the owner's death.
What is Dun & Bradstreet?
The Dun & Bradstreet D‑U‑N‑S Number is a unique nine-digit identifier for businesses. The D‑U‑N‑S Number is used as the starting point for any company's Live Business Identity, the most comprehensive and continually updated view of any company in the Data Cloud. D‑U‑N‑S Numbers are often referenced by lenders and potential business partners to help predict the reliability and/or financial stability of the company in question. D‑U‑N‑S, which stands for data universal numbering system, is used to maintain up-to-date and timely information on more than hundreds of millions global businesses
Why should I obtain an Dun & Bradstreet number?
Getting your Dun & Bradstreet number is very equal as important as the EIN/Tax ID. The DUNS will help you establish your business creditworthiness, safeguard your personal creditworthiness, bid on government contracts; locally, state, and federal contracting, and get longer terms with suppliers.
After purchasing the EIN, Dun & Bradstreet, or LLC, what is happening next?
After purchasing an EIN, Dun & Bradstreet, or LLC service, I will reach out to you via email, phone call or text message so I have all the correct information to the complete the important documents according to the time you have booked & paid. In rare cases, there could potentially be a delay in processing your EIN or LLC if I am not provided with all of the needed information or there is a delay in processing time in your specific state.
What is the typical turnaround time for the EIN, Dun & Bradstreet, or LLC documents?
I will submit your information to the prospective agencies within 48 hours of receiving all the information needed to complete the documents.
Starts at $75 in filing fees for EIN & Dun and Bradstreet Business Credit
Website and App Design
After purchasing the web or app design site plan, what’s happening next?
After purchasing the web or app design plan, I will reach out to you for the consultation via phone call or email, and text message according to the time you have booked. We will discuss the nature of your business, features, content, and the interface of the web design.
Are consultations Free?
Consultations are $50 via email, text, or call. The consultation fee will be used towards the total price of the package you choose.
What do I need to start designing?
Please provide the following details: your requirements, features you want, content (images & text), Wix, Weebly or Appypie login.
Do you buy Wix, Weebly, Appypie premium plan and domain?
No, I do not buy Wix, Weebly, or Appypie plans for you, but I will suggest what is better for you based off our consultation.
WIX restrictions?
Wix have few restrictions but we must work according to those restrictions. Other hosting site do not work on Wix. You must only buy Wix premium. The restrictions include Custom Php and databases, multi-vendor affiliate stores and real-estate listings.
Weebly restrictions?
Weebly is more restrictive when it comes to theme modifications. There are no forum options and there are blog limitations. Please keep that in mind when selecting your host. You must only buy a Weebly plan and the restrictions include Custom Php and databases, multi-vendor affiliate stores and real-estate listings.
What is the typical turnaround time for my website to be built?
Typical turnaround time is 10 Business days for web design. It could be longer, depending on the complexity of the website design. Need your website faster? Tell me during your consultation for an extra fee!
What is the typical turnaround time for my mobile app to be built?
App designing is more complicated. Typical turnaround time is 14 Business days for app design. It could be longer, depending on the complexity of the app design. Disclaimer, it may take longer to upload the apps to the mobile store because every mobile store has different requirements. Need your app designed faster? Tell me during your consultation for an extra fee!
Appypie restrictions?
There are no restrictions that hinder your design. Appypie has all of the features available that you may need for your mobile app.
What mobile platforms can I put my app on?
Apple app store, Google Play Store, Amazon, and Blackberry depending on the plan you pick on Appypie. If you do not see your preferred platform on this list, please contact me to see if we can put your app onto your desired platform.
Do you train clients or maintenance their website or mobile app?
I train clients on how to maximize the value of their website or app. Maintenance of your website or mobile app can be done depending on how often you want to update your site for an extra fee.
Do you do coding?
No, I don’t do any coding but I do have the knowledge and expertise to design via Wix, Weebly or Appypie site (mobile app).
Do you provide graphics and pictures?
Yes, I can provide you any type of graphics and pictures, but it will cost you more depending on what type of graphics you want. The graphics and pictures I will provide have all copyrights cleared.
What are the charges of E-commerce store setup?
Setting up the store is a rate of 5 Products for $20...10 Products = $35...15 Products = $50...50 Products = $100
Do you provide adobe, adobe illustrator services?
No, we only use the content given to us, but if any client is in need of graphic work, an additional fee will be assessed and due.
Do you make logo designs?
No, I do not make logos, however I will give your name to my business associate, who I have worked with several years with your consent. I will make insure you receive logo with source files and commercial use. The referral is free, but you will incur an extra fee for your original logo provided my business associate.
If you don't want to provide your WIX login, how can we have your WIX username to add you as a contributor in WIX to design website?
You can have my WIX username to add me as a contributor.
How much is the mobile app and website designing cost?
Mobile app and website design prices vary, depending on the package you choose from, I will suggest you what is better for you depending on what you want to do for a personal or business design.
What's your booking policy for consultations?
Please note that once you have booked an appointment with us it means that we have reserved time in our schedule exclusively for you. If you cancel your appointment less than [24 hours] before it is scheduled to take place, you will incur a charge of 50% of the consultation amount.
If you are over 15 minutes late for your appointment, we will have to reschedule your appointment and your card will be charged for 50% of the consultation scheduled.
To avoid a cancellation fee, please provide cancellation notice at least [24 hours] prior to your appointment. You can cancel or reschedule an appointment by emailing us at [[email protected]].
Please Note: Legal documents must be signed before building your website or mobile app after the consultation. All personal identifying information will be kept confidential. There will also be a confidentiality agreement that needs to be signed.
Notary Service in WI
Can I offer legal advice?
I am not an attorney licensed to practice law in Wisconsin and will not give legal advice or accept fees for legal advice.
Do you only provide Notary services in Wisconsin or everywhere around the country?
Unfortunately, I only provide notary services in the state of Wisconsin. Every state laws are slightly different when it comes to legal documents.
Notary Services I provide?
General notarizations such as, jurats, acknowledgement, signature witnessing, oath/affirmation, and certified copies. I can also be the notary signing agent for purchase or refinance.
What is the typical turnaround time documents to be notarized?
Up to 24 hours from the booking time you select. I will try my best to get the documents to you as soon as possible via email.
Are you willing to travel, or do you just provide remote notary services?
I am willing to travel to homes, offices, public places, schools, etc. if you have 5 or more documents that need to notarized at one time, otherwise only remote notary services are provided.
Designing Service
What do I need to get my design started on Vistaprint or Zazzle?
To get started I will need to your logo and any content you want on your mockup design. Also, I will need access to your email so you can order your products easier. Designing services do not include the cost of the products, however I will provide you with an exclusive coupon for your FIRST order on Vistaprint. I can design any product you want as well, please fill out the form on the designing service page and I'll get back to you within 72 hours.
What is the typical turnaround time for mockup design?
Up to 48 hours from the booking time you select, and I have received your information you want on the card. I will try my best to get the documents to you as soon as possible via email.
How do you charge to create a mockup design?
Starts at $5 per 1 side for Business cards, Flyers, or Banners. Brochures starts at $15 any size.
Can you buy products for me?
No, I do not purchase products for clients, it will be easier buying the products directly from Vistaprint or Zazzle.
Additional Services
Do you offer support, training or maintenance to anyone?
Unfortunately, not at this time. Anyone who has purchased an app or website design plan from me is eligible for any of these additional services.
Are your prices prorated for additional services?
The additional services, maintenance and support are prorated for a minimum of 30 minutes. Training is prorated for a minimum of an hour.
What if you can't find a solution to my problem?
I will exhaust all options trying to find a solution to your problem on the app or website quickly and efficiently. Depending on the complexity of the problem the solution could be out of my control. You only will be charged while I am trying to diagnose the problem. Three hours of support at the maximum. I will work until I find a solution to your problem.
Do you train more than two people on the app or website?
Traditionally, I will train you and an employee, however I will train more of your staff for an additional cost on every aspect of your app or website to maximize the use of your app or website for you and your potential new customers. I will even write out instructions on the key features that you want to remember.
Do you offer in-person training?
Yes, I offer in- person training for an additional cost, please note we can use a free communication app for training such as, Setmore, Zoom or Google Meet to name a few.
How often would you update my website if I chose the maintenance additional service?
I can update your app or website every 3 months, 6 months, 9 months or 12 months. For more frequent updates or maintenance to your website or app, please refer to the support service page.